Barnsley Blind & Partially Sighted Association
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Helping The Local Community
We are a Volunteer lead group and have no paid workers.
Our Volunteers, who are both Sighted and Sight challenged, give time, advice, support and guidance to Blind, Partially Sighted, as well as to their families, friends, and carers, within the Barnsley community and surrounding areas.
We have no sponsors but are funded through donations, bequests, small grants, and fundraising undertaken by our volunteers.
We provide the Blind and Partially Sighted, and their families, friends, and carers, with advice and access to apparatus and aids which can make their lives easier.
We provide opportunities for social interaction and peer support, as well as Advice and Information, Liaising when necessary.
We aim to ensure volunteering opportunities are available within our group and work towards inclusion, independence and empowerment.
We liaise with other groups and professional bodies to ensure the voices of our community are heard, their views are considered, and our drive is aimed at bringing about change and education to meet our needs and to generate a more inclusive society.
We aim to provide access to a range of apparatus and or aids that make daily life easier.
Resources include the following:
Canes, Walking Sticks, Liquid indicators, Non-slip mats for plates, etc, Coin holders, as well as a range of phones, both mobile and landline, and talking watches and clocks.
We can also access bigger items like talking microwaves, on request.

We man a telephone advice centre with our Volunteers Monday to Friday each week between 10am and 2pm, plus a telephone answering service outside these hours. Call backs are then arranged to discuss individual needs.
The volunteers will take contact details in the first contact and will listen for basic needs to match best fit with our volunteers. On call back you are able to discuss in detail your needs and an appointment can be made for you to attend our office, or for two of our volunteers to conduct a home visit if necessary.
We can listen to your concerns and may offer advice, signpost you to other bodies, assist and or support, and can liaise on your behalf when necessary.
We often liaise with other agencies and bodies including DWP, Council, Transport providers, Medical personnel, Social services and Police, Schools and Social Groups.
We complete forms both online and in paper format, and or place telephone calls on behalf of our clients, and represent when needed.

We aim to provide social activities for our clients to relieve isolation and depression, to provide access to peer support and professional groups.
Currently we runa social Club on a Tuesday each week, where members can chat, share a meal, and play games.
In addition to this we have arranged craft meetings and activities days, and also a day out to the NUM offices with a talk and lunch, which was well received by those who attended.
We also give access to other groups who provide similar activities in the Barnsley and surrounding areas.

Social Club Meets - The Silkstone, Park Road, Barnsley
Tuesday 12.30 to 14.30
Waiting list running and all new members will be invited by letter to join
Home visits available by appointment when needed,
please phone in first instance to arrange.
Please be aware all home visits are conducted by two of our volunteers, one of whom is usually the driver, so it may take a couple of weeks to arrange due to the appointment schedule and availability of volunteers.
Resources can be provided from office or on home visits subject to availability
or may need to be ordered in, specially on request, but brochures can be
made available for selection, and peer user advice can be given.
Advice line open 10am - 2pm Monday - Friday
Unless attending a home visit.
Answering machine available 24 hours a day
and checked daily when appointments permit.
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BBPSA is part of the vision strategy for Barnsley & the UK
Vision Strategy is a national drive to identify the needs of visually impaired people and then to begin to address those needs through a national Vision Strategy
28 Modern House, Summer Lane, Barnsley S70 2NP